Study fees

There is a study fee of €1,216 for all Summa 2021-2022 international programmes.

In addition, you need to buy books for the course of your choice and open digital accounts for e-learning programmes. For the exact amount: see Additional Study Fees at the course of your choice.

In most cases it will be convenient to have a laptop computer. The exact specifications the laptop has to meet vary from course to course: see Additional Study Fees at the course of your choice.

Keep in mind that internships abroad may require a private contribution from yourself. The amount of this contribution depends of the compensation you receive, as well as the country where you will be living.

Also, keep in mind that there may be additional expenses for any excursions (abroad) and exchanges and (travel) expenses to visit companies as a part of external projects. The costs will be maximum €500

If you are not financially able to pay the school fees, you can get help from the Emergency Fund and/or the Stichting Leergeld.

Check here more information about student finance, student travel product and other relevant facts about studying in the Netherlands.